This is a writers haven, or nest if you will

Friday, February 29, 2008


School dance yesterday. Had tons of fun.

I danced as I sang, I was probably the most memorable person there, dancing to nearly every song with such driving energy I nearly passed out when I got home.

I only slow danced once, turned down th second and third time by different people so the fourth and final i called it quits, not wanting another polite "I'm waiting for somebody" or simple "No thanks". Though that far from dampened my spirits.

I had a great time, cant wait for the next one.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


I'm getting a computer all of my own, no worries of my dad or my sister bothering me to get off so they can get on. I'll have the chance to type up stories instead of writing them out first!! I'm so excited, dad already has most of the parts I need, all thats left is speakers and a hard drive (whatever that is). When its all in one piece you can expect so many more posts from me :D

Friday, February 22, 2008

Stienz the Cat Burglar??

(my nickname is Stienz, don't ask why)

Today my friend, Mitchell came over to my house to work on a project, I know it can create a dull Friday but hell, it had to be done. When I climbed off my bus, Mitchell in tow my blood turned to ice as I stared upon my house.... I didn't have my key. I told Mitch and my sister, immediately my sister left for Kady's (her friend). But instead of finding another place to go (Mitch's parents weren't home either) we decided to find a way in. We tried all the lower widows, all were closed tight and locked. Me and Mitch were just about to give up and go somewhere else when a thought came to me.

My family all have a shower in the morning mom, dad, me, and my sister. So we leave the bathroom window open as we're at school, bad part is, the bathroom is upstairs, out of reach. I thought about looking for a ladder, but I didn't have one. Me and Mitch tried climbing my chimney, no dice. We tried piling up wood and lawn chairs, no dice. so the ladder idea came back into my mind.

We walked to Kady's hoping to get a ladder, she didn't have one. We used her phone instead and I called my nan and pop (they have keys) but they were in town... So once again I was forced to think, and think I did until another hopeless idea came to mind...

I phoned my friend Adam, hoping he'd have a ladder, he didn't, his neighbor had borrowed it. The ladder was locked in the neighbor's shed and the neighbor wasn't home, but Adam had another idea, he asked if I had a certain kind of windows in my basement, I agreed hopeful for an end to all this fussing around. He laughed and told me how to get in from outside, with a simple push in the right place and a pull in anotherthe window slid open, we had broken into my house.

Mitch was the first one in and, after landing on a tent (set up and all, my sister wanted to 'have outdoors in' for a sleepover) he cracked into fits of laughter, I joined in as i tumbled onto the tent a pole poking uncomfortably in my side. I closed the window and we worked, I hated it, so much labor for a simple History project...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bloody Hell of a Nightmare

I usually don't take notice to dreams... well except those that come back again and again or stay in my mind with such persistence that I have to define it. Since I've been writing so much about vampires lately their gaunt and ghostly form has been haunting my sleep for a while, but still I was unmoved by th thoughts, all until the nightmare I will soon describe. It was all so vivid, so real, it haunts both waking and sleeping hours of my life with voracious intent, whenever I see a person from the dream I see their face, for a blinking moment, as the demons I've dreamed them as... its my living terror, now to the main event... The Nightmare:

I awoke (in my dreams, weird huh?) to see that it was supper time, I gasped and rushed out to the kitchen, must've been a weekend because my parents didn't seem to mind. We ate (Cant remember what) and I invited over my cousin Jeff, My friends Brad and Jon (we call him Jim, don't ask why) and a person I know but am not friends with Chris. My sister went to her friend Kady's house across the road.

They were all there in moments (hell, its a dream), we went outside. It was dark but we decided to go out into the path (into the woods) anyway (for what reason i have no idea) there wasn't much talking except teasing Jim for being short (especially by Jeff cuz in the dream he was stoned). But I kept hearing ruffling in the woods (just so you know it was either spring or summer by the look of things), I told Brad, Jeff and Jim, forgetting Chris at the time, they teased me for being easily afraid, which in truth I expected as a response so we continued.

We kept walking for a while until the ruffling got closer and we noticed Jim was gone, Jeff cursed loudly into the air, Both him and me were worried, but the others called out to him to drag himself outta the woods and stop trying to scare us. He didn't respond so we pretty much said "Fuck Him" and kept going. By now the ruffling started getting under Brad's skin, he was defensive of it but it was obvious he too was worried, Chris was still thick headed. As we reached the pond at the end of the path we saw that Jim was on the wharf in the company of a tall, muscular man. Jeff asked if it was Jim's boyfriend to no response, Jim turned and blood was running from his neck, the man turned to show that, contrasting to his pallid white features, his mouth was circled in a crimson slop of dripping blood. Jim called out for us to help him over and over as he advanced upon us, the man had disappeared. Brad started walking toward him.

I grabbed Brad's shoulder and he resisted, persistent to go to Jim's aid, i told Brad to come back but he told me to "fuck off its only Jim" and continued. At this time the tall man had began to come out of the woods advancing upon brad, I thought of going to help him but I was sour of his refusal and content to see him face the terror of his own making (thats how I knew it was a dream, I'd have to help Brad). The man pounced upon brad, sucking at the blood pouring delicately from the jugular vein of his neck. I turned disgusted and ran, as Jeff and Chris had already been wise enough to do.

When we reached my house once more, no lights were on and my dad was pacing the patio, mumbling unintelligible words, blood seeping from his neck as it had from Jim. Dad didn't pursue us as we ran for the basement door, a home to escape into. But Chris' sister (never met his sister before, this was a simple interpretation of thought, though in the dream I knew who it was) was laying beside the door, her neck too was bleeding, when Chris ran to her aid she pulled him down and bit him, with the fresh spew of blood, dad ran down from the patio. He chased me and Jeff constantly yelling at us that he "only wanted to talk" or asking us impatiently to "slow the fuck down". As we neared Kady's driveway Jeff stopped panting and as if he was Pete McVries from Stephen King's The Long Walk he told me he was tired and wanted to sit down, it'd all be over quick then. And then dad had him, Tearing into his neck with the vicious intensity of need, Jeff smiled at me all the while, it was a twisted, demented smile that will haunt me always.

I ran without pursuit to Kady's front door, knocking and panting and screaming all at once, Kady's mom answered, blood pouring from her neck, Jim and Brad and the strange man were all there, calling my name, telling me how good it would feel, then Emily (my sister) walked out from behind them, tears of crimson falling from a gaping hole in her neck, her voice was weak and fearful, but inhuman and forced she said: "They're going to hurt me, dont let them hurt me! I need you!" and the dream ended.

I awoke in a cold sweat and have been taunted by this vision every moment, for a whole week.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Phillip Lansing

An idea for a character, He's got dark brown hair and a thick beard. Most of the town knows him as a drunk and a kook. But those who get to know him see him as a philosopher who's well acquainted with the art of drinking. He wears plaid flannel shirts and sweatpants every day, he's always speaking his mind against whats going on in the world, a cynic in slight. He keeps an amount of toothpicks in his shirt pocket wherever he goes, chewing on one at every moment of the day. He even uses his toothpicks to eat, if he cant use a toothpick he doesn't eat it. In truth he's more than a bit crazy but he'll be an interesting character to write about.

He's also the garbageman for the town.

I know this Blog has become a vent for my ideas and it may seem annoying but I gotta put them somewhere. This kinda stuff is the quirks I want in my characters, the things that make them human, now it doesn't have to go to such an extreme as this but... the stranger (within reason) the better, I hate stereotypes and I'm trying to cut them off with such a move, hope it works :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Plans for the Vampire Novel, VERY MINOR SPOILERS

I want Woden alive, I've already panned out that idea, but how....?

I think Michael, being a vampiric servant under Alexander's power, brings blood to his master's lips, unable to desecrate his mother's body still he takes the blood of the hungry ravens. The wounds that were given to him are cured, the crucifix pulled from its fleshy sheath by the faithful servant. Mike cries for his mother but Woden takes him away, to the safety of his home.

Now on the topic of other vampires I have a writer, who smokes like a chimney and is in love with a hooker. He also feeds on night filth, hobos and the like.

I also have an idea for his sister, but that is to be kept secret for the time being.

I want a terribly repulsive person who becomes a vampire. I want him to have.... unique habits, I need your ideas. I also want him constantly eating something thats healthy, not carrots tho, I don't wanna seem like I'm copying Shoot 'Em Up so please lavish me with your strangest thoughts...

Also I need any thoughts on other vampires or characters I don't want ANY normal characters, I want them all holding strange characteristics... Dont hold back! :D

Rid of You

I hate you at this moment
Though I've loved you all too long.
How can things that feel so right
Be thrown away and wrong.

You've gone on as I would not
Swimming in white lies
Trying not to tell what black or gray
until you live to die.

We stepped into a heartbreak
From one simple, fatal glance
Now all I can remember
Is the ending of our dance

Hold your heart out further
For all the world to see
I'm lonely now, I'm rid of you
As you are rid of me.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Vampires, maybe a novel

While I'm still working on my fantasy novel I'm thinking of a more endearing project.... For me the luster of fantasy writing has fallen through the cracks I'm actually bored with the idea of trying to make up things.. make up a world... make up EVERYTHING alone. There are no rules in fantasy and in some strange way its more restricting than I could have ever thought... I may throw away the idea, or simply save it for later but now... I need something darker, something dingier. I need Vampires.

To Becca I'm not giving up on our co-writing expedition, simply putting it aside until we have time to write it together. I dont wanna be going too far ahead and I'm starting to reach that point.

I've gotten the taste of writing a vampire story and it feels right, Fantasy never made so much sense as this, I had to continue.

About my idea: When the contest is over I believe I may recycle the characters and use them in a novel, to Alev and Becca I'm going to tell you that Miranda survives..... You'll have to read to understand. I'm doing it in a different form than usual, in a compilation of stories from three different characters, two are vampires, the other is Miranda. I may also add other important elements as I go but its still in the thinking stages right now. I'm thinking that Miranda's ex-husband who made her pregnant blusters into her home in fury that he wasn't told about his son's death, only to find her convulsing on the ground choking out gargled phrases impossible to understand, he calls an ambulance and gets her to throw up the pills.... I'm unsure of what happens with Mr. Woden but when her Ex gets there he's long gone, I want him alive and hiring the help of her dead son.

When Miranda is asked about what happened she leaves out Alexander and simply tells them she lost two children and she wanted to die....... within her mind though she thirsts for revenge that she cant retrieve until she's free from the hospital and before she leaves Woden finds her, tries to off(kill) her but somehow she survives, the other characters are a secret... :)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Vampuric incentive

I was thinking about The Contest, the one stated in the previous post. I had just finished Stephen King's 'Salem's Lot and was exceedingly intrigued in the idea of vampires, as I had been for so long. So I got to thinking and after a long debate with myself I decided that I'd write a Vampire shortstory to enter!

I've already got some ideas worked out. The story centers around a younger Vampire (only a several of decades as such a creature). He works as a school teacher and keeps his classroom comfortably dark, with drapes pulled over the windows, halting sunlight. He wears heavy, winter clothes in every season to keep the sun off him and drives in a car with tinted windows. Everyone knows of his intolerance to sunlight, he even has a maid at his home who takes care of certain chores if h insists against going into the light. He blames his symptoms on a disease called Porphyria go on if your curious about it. He warns his students that opening the blinds would kill him, and to deter them from doing so he explains with terrible detail what would happen if they did so.

He kills a child who, while in detention, opens a window to try and escape, this weaves a web of trouble for him as he goes to attend the funeral and the mother invites him for dinner... he cant eat normal food so he's in deep trouble after agreeing, infatuated with her beauty, even in pregnancy. The rest you'll have to read later, when i post it here after the contest is over :D

Saturday, February 2, 2008


I got the blood test results back, they were good for me! The normal is 50.5 (whatever units he was saying I fail to remember) I had 50.47, almost exact!! But what is the problem you ask, if you are truly as perceptive as we all hope to be? Well the problem is that if I didn't have family history of the disease 'slightly off' would be enough..... but unluckily I do so theres two more tests coming up, I'll be lucky if I get the damned surgery within the year!!

But such horrors are not which the title hopes to bestow upon your mind, I have other things to write of. I've been spinning in circles my whole life, nothing's been clear or 'carved in stone' I've just sailed by without much thought just spinning as my head goes numb from the strange movement, though the feeling is far from unpleasant. I've never 'done' anything, not really. Simply the background, wallpaper to everything, every contest, every classroom.... EVERYWHERE! But no longer I've found myself beginning to settle, my mind beginning to clear. The thing I've always avoided and faered will fall into my life and I will embrace it and... with a little luck, I hope it will embrace me.

I'm entering a writing contest for the province of Newfoundland, and I will put EVERYTHING into winning. If I'm closer to the bottom then so be it, but I will not back down.. never! Years ago I had a chance to enter a contest for writing, chosen by my teacher. I wrote the story and everything, but i didn't send it. My mom thought the teacher sent it for me, my teacher thought my mom did, a stupid decision on my part and it has haunted me ever since. I'm going to remove that horror from my mind by actually competing and completing my promise, the thing I failed to be able to do so long ago....... compete.