This is a writers haven, or nest if you will

Monday, November 26, 2007

Over And Done..... Not Quite

Guess what? No surgery for now.... I KNEW it.... I knew something had to go wrong.

It turns out that I might have a blood disease that could complicate the surgery, I'll have to take a bunch of tests and I'll hopefully have surgery done sometime in January... SHIT... I'm gonna spend my birthday in the hospital..... This just sucks I want this OVER AND DONE WITH!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Novel Breakthrough

Killing off characters really worked (thanks Becca) the story really is better and finally its interesting enough for me to find a way to continue to the actual 'hunt', I've got just the extra push I'll need when I'm bedridden for two weeks.

Yeah surgery is still on my mind, its finally found reality in my mind and truthfully I just want it to be done and over with, no dangling the prize or a regular back in front of me while I fell the pain like a knife in my right shoulder. Soon it'll be over, the pain gone the normality found my life as it never was. But I wonder could it be the pain the fuels my writing, the pain that I no longer notice because of consistance, could I lose all that I've strived for with the promise of being just an inch closer to normality.

I'd say probably not but after being given the chance for paranoia I seize it and use it like a candle in the dark, a beacon toward my destination and a sheild to what is possible but improbable.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


I decided I would not be grown out of halloween for a LONG time and went out trick-or-treating last night with a HUGE gang of people (9 is a lot for me). 6 of them went back in while me and two others stayed out for another hour before retreating back to Jess' house. Really fun night, wont quit halloween ever again :D