This is a writers haven, or nest if you will

Saturday, February 2, 2008


I got the blood test results back, they were good for me! The normal is 50.5 (whatever units he was saying I fail to remember) I had 50.47, almost exact!! But what is the problem you ask, if you are truly as perceptive as we all hope to be? Well the problem is that if I didn't have family history of the disease 'slightly off' would be enough..... but unluckily I do so theres two more tests coming up, I'll be lucky if I get the damned surgery within the year!!

But such horrors are not which the title hopes to bestow upon your mind, I have other things to write of. I've been spinning in circles my whole life, nothing's been clear or 'carved in stone' I've just sailed by without much thought just spinning as my head goes numb from the strange movement, though the feeling is far from unpleasant. I've never 'done' anything, not really. Simply the background, wallpaper to everything, every contest, every classroom.... EVERYWHERE! But no longer I've found myself beginning to settle, my mind beginning to clear. The thing I've always avoided and faered will fall into my life and I will embrace it and... with a little luck, I hope it will embrace me.

I'm entering a writing contest for the province of Newfoundland, and I will put EVERYTHING into winning. If I'm closer to the bottom then so be it, but I will not back down.. never! Years ago I had a chance to enter a contest for writing, chosen by my teacher. I wrote the story and everything, but i didn't send it. My mom thought the teacher sent it for me, my teacher thought my mom did, a stupid decision on my part and it has haunted me ever since. I'm going to remove that horror from my mind by actually competing and completing my promise, the thing I failed to be able to do so long ago....... compete.


Alev said...

I'm SO happy that your test result came back normal! :D I'll cross my fingers for the upcoming ones. And great luck with your contest, don't get excited again, I'm sure you'll win this thing. :)

Ryan said...

thanks Alev!! Means a whole lot, about everything *hugs*

Poet In The Jar said...

I'm with Alev!

And I'm really happy that you're going to enter a competition! I know what contests have done for my writing, it's extremely motivational, even though I've never actually won anything (closest shot, second place). I hope it will be as great for you!

Best of luck! =D

Ryan said...

Thanks Guys, best part of this contest is.... there's 10 winners!!! each leaving with $1000 in their pocket and a short story in the arts and letters association for anybody to read, I'm so excited!!!