This is a writers haven, or nest if you will

Friday, July 18, 2008

Way of the World

Used to believe things were so good
thats lights shone so brightly
and all's as it should.
But that was a long time ago,
though only days it seems to others,
for i've traveled miles apart
from many ignorant sisters and brothers.
The world thrives as it breaks us down
dulling our bladed protection
rising in resonant darkness
though many hold no connection.
People aren't simply to blame
nor is god or the animals which surround
its simply the way of the world,
from the great starry sky to the barren, dirty ground.


Poet In The Jar said...

The last line had me gone in tears.
Bloody, entirely, amazing. <3

Ryan said...

in tears? hahaha is that good or bad :P

Thanks Bex

Alev said...

Woow, this is just so sad... Sounds like sth I would write, but one hundred times better written. xD Awesome, Ryan. :)

Ryan said...

thanks Alev!!!!