This is a writers haven, or nest if you will

Monday, January 21, 2008

Blood Droplets to the Needlepoint

Guess its obvious by the title that this post will be either creepy and morbid or about giving blood. Well the second one is partly right, I've got the blood test finally finished! The needle poked into a vein in my arm, my blood filled three vials and no further troubles, I mean not even a droplet of pain, I was surprisingly relieved. I stopped bleeding real quick (hope thats a good sign) and I was out of the cold, office-like hospital in less than 10 minutes.

Problem about this is because of the delays my results will be back in FEBRUARY! I mean COME ON! How long should it take to get some fucking blood analyzed! Sorry that I lost control of my tongue back there but I'm infuriated, I was supposed to get this test in DECEMBER! I wanted this damned surgery DONE AND OVER WITH! But now once again, thanks to the imbeciles at the hospital I'll be waiting once more, I wouldn't be surprised if I never got the damn surgery, that'd be all too plausible after so many long waits!


Alev said...

Sorry to hear that Ryan. But your news about your blood clotting so fast is a good sign, I think so too. Hope it all works out, I wish you great luck and patience to get thru this surgery. I'm here if you need :)

Ryan said...

Thanks Alev, its good to have someone to talk to. I really hope this works out, that I dont have another disease just as its possible to get rid of the old one.

Poet In The Jar said...

I know you're impatient to get your surgery, ryan, but still you're kind of lucky. There are people that might have to wait for years and still February is only two months from December. Don't worry, I think everything will work out, and it's better it takes a bit of time to get it right than to rush it through sloppily real quick, don't you think?
I hope your surgery comes on soon and that it all works out. =)

Ryan said...

True enough Becca, true enough...