This is a writers haven, or nest if you will

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Heating My Piss

Man the world is boring these days. I cant write at all.. i hope it hasn't left me but.. i'm starting to worry that it has :/ I mean I haven't been able to write since November.. its not fit.. not at all.. I'm starting to worry.. no block has lasted so long. Mom told me "Nothing to heat yer piss over" a funny expression it is.. but it really is something to "heat my piss over"

yes it is.


Poet In The Jar said...

Blocks come and blocks go. Sometimes they last for years. You will never lose your talent for writing, don't worry about that; because time does not wear your talent off. I know just how frustrating it is but... try and hang in there. It will come back to you when it's ready to be told. ;)

Ryan said...

okay :)

Thanks Bekki!!

Ayan said...

as becc said, just hang in there, ryan. the block will pass...... it always does..... just dont give ur at any level. you'll get over it.. smile :)