This is a writers haven, or nest if you will

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Holy Christmas!!!

I'm soooo hyped for it.. i still need to mail Bex's gift.. i still need to wait 14 days.. but i'm SOOOO hyped!!

I wanna give my gifts now.. i want to see the look on Bex's face.. i wanna sing Christmas songs (which i am) .. i wanna decorate (which i was.. and fuck b'y i even i wanna bake cookies!!! Thats a rare occasion.. when i want to BAKE.. or do any work really.. i'm even happy to do Christmas Cleaning.. just means the holiday is getting closer and closer and soon... WHAM! it'll be here, right in our Faces!

Then the Christmas specials.. they're finally on TV, a reason for Me to watch TV, a rare occasion indeed.

I think its cuz i have somebody more to buy for than my family.. theres Chels and theres Bex and i'm gonna try for Bones and Lo (not a priority but i wanna try).. this is the first year where i'll buy gifts for more than three people.. and i LOVE it!!! Makes me Really happy :P


Poet In The Jar said...

You're making me smile already :)

Ryan said...


just you wait :P