This is a writers haven, or nest if you will

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Home is where the heart is

Home is where the heart is,
and with you i'm never astray.
If Home is where the heart is,
why, at my house, is my heart far away?

Home is where the heart is,
with you i'm always there.
So if Home is where the heart is,
why am I comfortable no matter where?

Because You're there.

Home is where the heart is,
for you its always beating,
so i can follow the steady drone,
follow surety's reading,
All the way to the only place i can truly call Home.

Wherever you are.


Alev said...

Awwwww!!! This must be the most meaningful and the sweetest poem you must have ever written! It's going on top of my favorites from you. Awesome work. ^^

eb91893 said...

thats really cute :) ,
i bet i know who its about ! :D

Ryan said...

:P I bet ya do

she is your best friend :)

Chels said...

aww :) i love this!! its definitly one of my favorites :D i couldn't have wrote it better myself.. every feeling every word.. a mirror image of what i feel <3

Ryan said...


I Love You Chels :)

Poet In The Jar said...

Hmmm I wonder why Chels thinks its her favorite? ^^ :D I love it alot raves. Just a bit too happygolucky for my mood, ahahah :D