This is a writers haven, or nest if you will

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Vacation i dont wanna have :/

Going from Monday to Thursday to my cabin. But i dont wanna go. My friend Emily is coming back from holidays on monday.. so i wont see her.. my friend mitch is moving on Thursday so i'll only see him off at the airport.. i dunno BAD TIMING i guess :/ and then again i talk to Chels every day
Dunno what i'd do if i couldn't :P Sounds pathetic but its true :P


Alev said...

Yeah, sounds like the timing is pretty bad.. :/ Do you have to go? Can't you postpone it or sth?

Naaah, it doesn't sound pathetic at all. :P It's just sweet. :D

Ryan said...

hahaha thanks.. and yeah according to mom i HAVE to go :/

Poet In The Jar said...

There's nothing pathetic about the true colors of love. Hold on to it with your life and let those moments carry you through your hardships.
Hope it works out, raves.<3

Ryan said...

hahaha yeah, it just gets better and better, every day things just seem more incredible than anything before.. :)