This is a writers haven, or nest if you will

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Saltwater Taffy

Something so different to me it COULD be weird
Saltwater Taffy
please sweeten my sadness
pull me from tears
and stick me back together.

Saltwater Taffy
don't sour my happiness
dragging me from the sun
sticking me to what I've done.

Saltwater Taffy
you contradict explanation,
but I love you no less.
Sugary, Bitter...
just rancid and litter...
while others just can't get enough.

Decisions, decisions...
livid with contradictions...
All bets aside,
All choices made,
Just pick a side,
While charges are laid.


Alev said...

True, a bit different from how you usually write, but I LOVE it! <3 I loved how you used the paradox saltwater taffy has in itself. :D You should go exploring different styles more often. ;)

Ryan said...

Thanks Alev :D I just might

Poet In The Jar said...

Your experimental mind seems to be paying off... ^^

Ryan said...

hahahaha, I hope so :D