This is a writers haven, or nest if you will

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

home.... but still suffering

My back is so stiff, its good to be home tho. Dont expect much from me yet, its hurts to sit and it hurts to stand so the computer is a real obstacle. I'll write more later but I really cant right now :S


Alev said...

RYAN! You are back!! :D I was starting to worry about you, glad to know you are alright. :)

I'm sorry about the pain, but you'll be brand new in a couple of weeks, just give it some time and keep resting. :) And yeah, try not to spent time in front of the screen, don't feel obligated to reply or comment about anything, just dropping this to let you know that you have been missed! :)

Get better real soon! =) You'll let us know how everything went after you get better. =)

Ryan said...

Feeling SUPER without all those staples, still in pain but a whole lot less pain now!!! I'm still useless but atleast I can feel good being as such!

Poet In The Jar said...

Wuv to have you back. <3

Nothing to add! =D