This is a writers haven, or nest if you will

Thursday, May 15, 2008


So I've been thrashed by the arts and letters committee of Newfoundland and Labrador because my words were too big for my age and I had to have abused a thesaurus. I'm enraged and depressed all at once for this especially because, since the contest was done by letter I cant stand up for myself... I feel so useless right now but Becca's and Alev's words were a great comfort to me so atleast I wont be crying, I'm now stubborn to the bone to get this story seen..... as a big 'FUCK YOU!' to that committee.... though doing so may be a heavy task I'm ready... I hope

By the way what wrenches my gut the most is the words I get from people saying that the judges are idiots, never anything else. I understand how this may help somebody but its so much of the same thing. Never a word about how I should keep going, how I should fight back..... nope, only you guys. And now I wonder is the mask I wear too good?

It feels childish to complain so much, please enlighten me, I'd really like to know if it is...


Poet In The Jar said...

It is most definitely not childish to be disappointed. We all get disappointed at times! I know you put a lot of effort and energy into this story, I can see how it must feel to get that kind of judgment. I'm not going to tell you that all judges are crap, cause they're mostly not, only incredibly scrutinizing. You are more intelligent than most, as people keep telling you on the forum, no one believes you're as young as you actually are. What I am going to say is simply what I told you before...

remember J.K. Rowling? I mean, how many refusals did she get before anyone thought there was potential in Harry Potter? And what about Stephen King, who had a wall full of nails where he stuck refusal after refusal in order to remind himself never to give up.

I'm telling you the same, never give up. I can basically guarantee you that somewhere out there, there is someone who is going to fall in love with this story and judge it in a fair way for what it is, and not talk about a thesaurus and being too bright for your age. The hard trick is to find that someone! As I read somewhere today, "my dreams were to write, and I've realized it's perfectly possible to fulfill that dream. As long as you work your fuckin ass off" :D

It takes work and it takes guts, and I know you're bold and have the energy to keep it up, so keep going!

You didn't let me down during Nano, and I would have given up if it weren't for you. I'm not letting you give this up.

I have faith in you, Ryan. =)

Ryan said...


Thanks Becca, This helped me as much or even more than our earlier, conversation. Your words are a strong medicine, thanks for making sure I've been taking a proper dose.

Alev said...

Wow!! it seems that Beccy already told you everything you needed to hear... :)

Ryan said...

yeah must've taken a good hour to type all that :P

Poet In The Jar said...

I know, I'm the master of long comments xD

Un peu plus de mots said...

You know, it helped me to read what you wrote after your manuscript had been rejected. I am a French writing author and I was just looking over the internet, googling in order to find HOW MANY REFUSALS J.K. Rowling had to suffer before being published... And then, among the results to my research, I found your blog.

I have been writing all my life. I am 52. But it is the first time that I try to get a BOOK published. I wrote every single day in my work: at a regional museum, then in an art gallery, and afterwards in an Arts & Culture center. I did some journalism, too. Wrote so many articles on this and that, that I can't remember!

But this was the first time I tried to get something published only in MY name, and not as a "collaborator"... when I know very well that the only "collaborator" in the darn things that were published was ME!!! But since it was for work.......... It was not my property!

It is extremely frustrating, and I am NOT young as you are. So, I don't know how old you are now, or wether your story has been published since you wrote that comment on this blog, but... Well, know simply that your reaction is perfectly natural.

I will try again, of course. I know one must persevere. One friend keeps repeating to me: "It takes only one who likes it". Yes. Indeed. And it is certainly not because your work, or mine, is not good. There is also a certain amount of shere luck and timing in the matter. Talent and hard work are crucial. But so are luck and timing. I am sure your day - and mine - will come!

Good luck! =)