This is a writers haven, or nest if you will

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Great Fun

Last night I went to my friend Brad's birthday. It was amazingly fun, but the most memorable part was made in my expence.

We were spinning around mindlessly in his front yard awaiting the others to come outside, I had been going especially fast and was falling around everywhere. I was told I was getting close to the ditch so I stopped, the world spinning, nothing was still. I thought I was headed for Brad's house but instead I strode right into the ditch. Falling straight on my ass into a pile of water and muck. I couldn't help but laugh at myself, who couldn't? If I lived farther away then maybe, just maybe, I'd have been more dissappointed, but since I was within walking distance of a clean pair of jeans it didn't bother me. I walked home, got dry clothes and walked right back, less than five minutes. Truthfully I'll never forget that night, or my stupidity and frankly, I doubt I'll be spinning around for no apparant reason any time soon.


Alexander White said...

Haha. You fell in a ditch... Sounds like fun times. Brad always greets me in class and we talk some times but one time I was joking around with him and said "So ya, I'm coming down today" and he said "you can't come to my house" or something like that. But anyways he explained that his mom doesn't want me there because she thinks I was involved with the incident with Justin Martin back in grade 7. But I was acctually on Jay Mar's side. I was called as a witness to court, I was helping him. He said that his mom is just like that, and doesn't like people at her house that she doesn't trust. And theres nothing wrong with that, but I never did anything...anyways. I added that link thing you told me to do..

Ryan said...

Yeah I was called to court too, I was on his side also, but I was at a different Brad's.

Poet In The Jar said...

Geez, I'm not gonna ask what happened here, but you sure gotten me curious. Anyway, it's pretty funny you should fall down a ditch just because you were out spinning around out of no reason :D I love when we do things just cause of the fun of it. If you'd had hurt yourself - which I'm glad you didn't! - I can imagine the doctor saying something like, "So how did this happen?" and then you'd go... "ahmm... well... no apparent reason..." haha! :D