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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Death Note

Holy crap, this is one amazing series!

I first heard of it from my friend Brad and when i saw it I thought, 'god damn its anime'. Because I seriously believe that most anime is only worth a fleeting glance and to be forever forgotten. BUT this is not like usual anime. Yes it has the anime components, the same type of drawings as every other anime, the supernatural ideas and of course being set in Japan. BUT its more about the way that even a person with pure ideals and good beliefs can be easily turned to evil when power is involved.

Death Note is about a guy who finds a.... document type thing i guess, that was 'lost' by a death god (the demons that are the reason for the death of humans) the god that once held the document in his possesion is bound to the guy who found it and uses this 17 year old kid to make his life more interesting by using him to cause chaos and give this death god something to do. The kid seeks to make a greater world by ridding the earth of all of its criminals, using the document, the death note. It shows how he keeps himself hidden from the police, protects himself from nosy FBI agents, and still tries to fix the world, while still trying to act as if he's leading a normal life.

So far only 8 episodes of 36 (or 38, i'm unsure) are dubbed but if you like the series enough (like me) it'll be worth it to read the english subtitles.


Poet In The Jar said...

Most probably the original version is 10 times better than the dubbed one anyway.. =D

Ryan said...

true but the dubbed version is really good too