This is a writers haven, or nest if you will

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Short story soon......

I wrote a story called 'Black Roses' in English class and I need to type it up for the final copy so I'll post it here tomorrow or the next day, In my mind its the best short story I've ever written, and I've written TONS!


Poet In The Jar said...

I wanna read, I wanna read!!!!

Alev said...

Me too!!! Me too!!! Haha! :D :D

Ryan said...

I posted it last night, no real mistakes. Personally its my favorite short story I've written but I'll let you two be the judge of that.

Poet In The Jar said...

Among those I've seen, yes, this one is one of the best.

Ryan said...

Thanks!! I'm writing another now, unsure of the title but its gonna include a mixture of your recurring nightmares and mine (along with some from my own creation).

Poet In The Jar said...

I wish I was as creative as you right now :D

Ryan said...

I got a HUGE rush of inspiration lately, it'll fade soon and my thoughts'll be empty until another rush comes by, its the way my mind works.