This is a writers haven, or nest if you will

Monday, October 1, 2007

Passage from my story

This is a simple line that I wish to share from the book I'm writing, Mostly for Becca, but everyone else too.

Anger pulsated terribly in her voice while tears rolled down her face, showing, only for seconds, the peaceful fragility hidden expertly within.

There you go, short and sweet.


Poet In The Jar said...

As I told you, there is incredibly much to be read between the lines in this one sentence. It's so sad, but also so realistic, that she's furious at the same time as she's fragile, there's a nice symbolism there. :)

Ryan said...

Thanks actually I got this from seeing my cousins girlfriend after he broke up with her (Kelsey and I are good friends). The face she wore is the image that inspired this passage.

Poet In The Jar said...

inspiration is all around us, nice that you turn something more or less bad into something of use in your story. :)