This is a writers haven, or nest if you will

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Ideas are forming, a silent whisper of the future. Short stories will come soon enough, If i ever get to typing up the ideas in my head. Most likely poems too, but I'm not sure.

The dream topic on the forums got my mind going, Not only those that were previously there (Becca) but it also gave me an idea as to put my dreams into writing, creating characters from myself, my family, my friends and shifting minor details.


Poet In The Jar said...

hey... you're right, "the black rose", when tim wakes up and finds blood in the bed... that's from my dream, right?

Ryan said...

actually I wrote that before I read your dream (it was actually how creepy as to how similar they are) but I'm writing another story now that shows the point of view of a man who sees the deaths of his family and friends in dreams and eventually starts to try and stop them, this is how your dreams will come into play.

Poet In The Jar said...

Gee, that's a really good idea! Cool that you can turn a story out of this. :P Agreed, it was creepy... but I guess this one'll be even more on the spot, then. :)

Ryan said...

Yeah... I cant wait to get into it, it'll end up like a stephen king short story in length (15-35 pages) and it'll be incredibly in-depth. I already got the first three pages on paper

Poet In The Jar said...

Just promise to put it up when it's done =)

Ryan said...

Oh, I promise