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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Surgery Problems :(

I found out that for 6 months after my surgery I wont be able to lift anything bigger than a dinner plate! That means I cant even carry my bookbag to school and what am I gonna do about book... sigh. Nevermind that but I'll be unable to do much more physical activity than walking for 12 MONTHS, A WHOLE YEAR! Can't even jump on my new trampoline, play soccer, RUN damn I'll be writing and forum jumping for a long time unless I feel the need to reverse my surgery.......


Alev said...

Sorry to hear that Ryan :( You getting better is the part that really matters though... You don't worry about a thing, we'll keep you busy on the PotF forum this year :D

Ryan said...

Thanks, I'll live

Poet In The Jar said...

Aww ryan, i'm sorry to hear that too... surgery is never fun and it always takes a long time to get better... I'll be around if you ever need to talk or something. :)

Ryan said...

Thanks guys I really appreciate your words