This is a writers haven, or nest if you will

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Return to innocence

Anger bleeds like a flowing river
Sadness pours onto the giver
My innocence returns in only a sliver
I want it back

Pain tears through like a violent ocean
Hatred runs wild in a terrible motion
Of my innocence I have only a portion
I wish it would return

Hell is a realm i dare not to enter
Though my thoughs fall toward the center
Finding my innocence I am not meant to
I cant have it, but I want it even more


Alev said...

Wow, this is cool, deep and creepy at the same time :D

Ryan said...


Poet In The Jar said...

Oh, this one's really great, very dark and sad, saying you want innocence back when you've lost it... I see myself in it. :)

Ryan said...

Thanks Becca... everyone can see themselves in it at some point in their life, but despite doubt innocence returns eventually whether it be on earth or in death.

Poet In The Jar said...

I really hope you're right. I'm sick of being all grown up and responsible. It was better when we were kids and could just enjoy the smallest thing... now that innocence feels far away.

Ryan said...

Sunday school in my church is where I become a kid again. I teach there and after lessons I play hide and go seek with the kids and give them piggybacks.