This is a writers haven, or nest if you will

Friday, January 2, 2009

My Piss has Cooled

I'm writing again, got another Novel idea.. thats right roll your eyes.. i deserve it. I've had so many IDEAS that have been SO strong but i let them slip away, i dont deserve to capture your attention this time, it could be just another idea to be lost by a lazy writer.. But this time things are different.. in a strange way these characters are personal and i cant let them be forgotten, cant lose them. I will finish this novel, no matter how long it may take. I'm not quitting. I'm not straying. I'm setting a course and sailing True.

To some the plotline is a secret and to those i paln to keep it taht way for a while, i WILL tell those who are close enough to deserve it.. But i will also keep it quiet for some until they can read a few chapters. So, if anybody wants to talk about the plot, do it on msn :P


Poet In The Jar said...

"Write with your door closed, edit with your door open." Don't let anyone read it until it's roughly done. It'll just distract you.

Oh and I'm not rolling my eyes. :)

Ryan said...

:( but i have to show You some pieces your my writing person
and i wanna show Chels cuz i'd rather show than explain :P