This is a writers haven, or nest if you will

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Up the Creek

Up the Creek without a paddle
facing rapids rushing swift
raging currents hoping to meddle
and cause in my life some empty rift.

Up the Creek without a paddle
abandoned by what i needed most.
Of blame i daren't dabble
when i've lost the support i've needed most.


C'mon Sil, C'mon Allie, C'mon anybody
theres something i need to say
that may not last the end of tomorro
i've known this many days
but had no advice to borrow.
C'mon somebody


Alev said...

Ohhh, I'm sorry if I wasn't there when you needed to talk Ryan, my sleeping hours are the craziest, I keep missing out on you. I'll try to be here all day, come to msn if you need to talk.

Ryan said...

thanks for tryin Allie but soon after writing this i went to sleep, musta missed ya, jesus. Thanks for tryin.

Poet In The Jar said...

Anytime anyplace raves. Back online Monday. We got some serious catchin up to do...

Ryan said...

You have NO idea