This is a writers haven, or nest if you will

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Liars Queen

Not my favorite poem but i think its worthy of the blog
The Liars Queen,
she dictates their deceitful actions
while speaking not a word.

The Liars Queen,
the empress of escapists
those who fear what others cant know.

The Liars Queen,
her people's only fear
though she does nothing to scare them.

The Liars Queen,
is naught but the truth.
She speaks not a word.
She incites not a sound.
But they fear her most of all,
The Liars Queen,
for only she sees them as they are.


Alev said...

Cooooooooool. Didn't quite understand it as I started reading it, but the perfect ending! Love it once again, good job! =)

Ryan said...


Ryan said...

i kinda hated this poem... and reading it over I hate it even more :P

Poet In The Jar said...

It sorta reminds me of King of Fools ^^

The last two lines make the whole poem, I think I got its message by those two alone... :P It's great raves, keep it up. =) Don't hate it! :D