This is a writers haven, or nest if you will

Monday, November 19, 2007

Novel Breakthrough

Killing off characters really worked (thanks Becca) the story really is better and finally its interesting enough for me to find a way to continue to the actual 'hunt', I've got just the extra push I'll need when I'm bedridden for two weeks.

Yeah surgery is still on my mind, its finally found reality in my mind and truthfully I just want it to be done and over with, no dangling the prize or a regular back in front of me while I fell the pain like a knife in my right shoulder. Soon it'll be over, the pain gone the normality found my life as it never was. But I wonder could it be the pain the fuels my writing, the pain that I no longer notice because of consistance, could I lose all that I've strived for with the promise of being just an inch closer to normality.

I'd say probably not but after being given the chance for paranoia I seize it and use it like a candle in the dark, a beacon toward my destination and a sheild to what is possible but improbable.


Poet In The Jar said...

Well, when you put it like that - killing off characters - you really make me look like a serious writer xD xD haha! :D No seriously, I found that seeing how my characters reacted to someone dying, told me a thousand things about them that I needed to know to get things going. Just maybe a tip that's working, might it be ever so ungracefully sounding :D

About your surgery, I really, really hope it'll turn out allright, and that you won't be in too much pain. But as you say, some of that pain you could capture, preserve, and turn something good out of. I've always found it the easiest to write when I'm the most miserable. And even if that sounds like a horribly depressing thing to say, at least it implies you'll have something to distract yourself with from the pain. Keeping that writing going.

Anytime you need to talk, I'm here for you =) And I'm wishing you all the luck in the world with this surgery and everything! =)

Ryan said...

Thanks Becca.

I know exactly what you mean about the way people act upon the death of a friend, or even a simple aquaintance. Selena'll be broken up, and quick to snap but Riley acts like he doesn't give it much thought, it doesn't need to be sorrowful, it was gonna happen some day. But still he has the inner feelings of guilt and sadness, the need to grieve but not add to everyone elses misfortune.

Poet In The Jar said...

Exactly, it's dark enough without doing that. but it's not always good to keep your grief inside you. sooner or later it's going to burst out, and maybe then it'll do more harm than it would have done while everyone else was grieving, too. =)

Ryan said...

DAMN your good Becca, I gave you but a SLIVER of foreshadowing and you guess what'll be coming up so easily... your too good at interpreting words :)

Poet In The Jar said...

Haha! There's no escape from me!! :D